Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Lesson in Time

Before I came to Ball State, I knew one thing... I wanted to study fashion.  So for three and a half years and counting, that is what I have been doing.  The merchandising program at Ball State has been a lot of fun, challenging, and rewarding.  My favorite experience is when I went to London, where I took an independent study class for International Marketing in Fashion.  I doubt I learnt the exact same thing the on-campus class did, but I can definitely say I did learn a lot more.  The exciting thing is that I was out in the city, no teacher, no classroom, and endless opportunities to explore fashion in a different way.  I would suggest that opportunity to any fashion student.

Let me take you back to my first year...
Yup, that is me, freshman year, FCSFA 202.  I constructed my first blouse.  Lets just say I've never put it on since this picture.
Here are the shorts I made in the same class.  They were way to small and again, I haven't put them on since.  This is not to say that the class was bad or anything.  I did learn a lot that I still hold on to today.

Next is sophomore year, where I wrote a blog for my independent study class while in London.  Unfortunately, I cannot find it anymore.  Maybe it was deleted after so long. But I can find this one, Onceuponatrain where I wrote about my experiences abroad.
 Harrods outside at night. This inside was even better!!
 This was a really neat visual display at Selfridges! The dress on the right is ASHISH which I LOVED.  

Junior year was not as exciting as the preceding year.  But thanks to my sewing class I did make my own Halloween costume, a deer!

This year, I got to enjoy putting on a fashion show and designing my own outfit
Putting together the runway at our fashion show.

As of now, with one semester left, I am thinking about majoring in design as well.  It obviously doesn't mean I had a terrible time if I am contemplating staying even longer.

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