Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Lesson in Time

Before I came to Ball State, I knew one thing... I wanted to study fashion.  So for three and a half years and counting, that is what I have been doing.  The merchandising program at Ball State has been a lot of fun, challenging, and rewarding.  My favorite experience is when I went to London, where I took an independent study class for International Marketing in Fashion.  I doubt I learnt the exact same thing the on-campus class did, but I can definitely say I did learn a lot more.  The exciting thing is that I was out in the city, no teacher, no classroom, and endless opportunities to explore fashion in a different way.  I would suggest that opportunity to any fashion student.

Let me take you back to my first year...
Yup, that is me, freshman year, FCSFA 202.  I constructed my first blouse.  Lets just say I've never put it on since this picture.
Here are the shorts I made in the same class.  They were way to small and again, I haven't put them on since.  This is not to say that the class was bad or anything.  I did learn a lot that I still hold on to today.

Next is sophomore year, where I wrote a blog for my independent study class while in London.  Unfortunately, I cannot find it anymore.  Maybe it was deleted after so long. But I can find this one, Onceuponatrain where I wrote about my experiences abroad.
 Harrods outside at night. This inside was even better!!
 This was a really neat visual display at Selfridges! The dress on the right is ASHISH which I LOVED.  

Junior year was not as exciting as the preceding year.  But thanks to my sewing class I did make my own Halloween costume, a deer!

This year, I got to enjoy putting on a fashion show and designing my own outfit
Putting together the runway at our fashion show.

As of now, with one semester left, I am thinking about majoring in design as well.  It obviously doesn't mean I had a terrible time if I am contemplating staying even longer.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Goldie Boots

Fellow Ball State fashion blogger, Lydia has a great blog to check out! She has a great post about Ball State fashion which shows off a couple different styles you can see around campus.  

Ball State student from Goldie Boots
 Within each blog post she adds the sources used so you can easily access the information she added so you can learn a little more about the topic. Go check it out!

Lydia's Blog: